WestWay School of Performing Arts

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The Choir Effect: How Group Singing Can Catapult Your Child's Academic Success

Hello there, wonderful parents and carers!

If you're on the lookout for a fun and exciting way to enhance your child's academic success, look no further than the enchanting world of choirs and group singing lessons! As an owner of a drama school in this lovely community with lots of top vocal coaches for children as part of our team, I've witnessed firsthand the incredible benefits of joining a choir. So, grab a cuppa, and let's embark on a musical journey that will leave you amazed!

Picture this: a group of giggling kids, each with their unique voice, coming together to create something magical – that's what group singing is all about! But what's even more incredible is how it can skyrocket your child's academic performance and emotional health.

First things first, let's talk about brain power! Studies have shown that when your little ones sing in a choir, their brains light up like fireworks. The various parts of the brain responsible for language, memory, and problem-solving get a fantastic workout, making them academic superstars! One of our students, Lily, used to struggle with remembering her lessons, but after joining our choir, she surprised everyone with her improved grades and newfound confidence.

Speaking of confidence, singing in a group can work wonders for your child's self-esteem. Children off join us with trepidation, but as weeks go by, their voices grow stronger, and so does their belief in themselves . We see them confidently share their ideas in class discussions and we love seeing such a huge transformation.

We all know how important communication skills are in every aspect of life. Well, guess what? Group singing is a masterclass in communication! As kids harmonize and synchronize their voices, they learn to listen to others and adjust their pitch and tone accordingly. It's like a real-life lesson in teamwork and empathy - and that sense of belonging boosts social skills tremendously.

You might wonder how singing can improve memory and learning abilities. Let me share a little secret: when your child memorizes the lyrics and melodies of songs, their brain creates strong connections that boost their memory retention.

And let's not forget about the joy of making new friends! Group singing and choirs creates an environment where friendships flourish. From inside jokes during rehearsals to supporting each other at performances, your child will build bonds that can last a lifetime. I still remember how, during our trip to perform at Disneyland Paris, the kids stayed up late singing around rehearsing in their hotel rooms – it was a moment of pure joy and connection that they still cherish.

Now, I hear you asking, "Where do I find the perfect choir for my child?" Fear not, dear parents! Our community has some fantastic options, ranging from classical choirs, musical theatre ensembles to modern pop groups. WestWay also offers group singing lessons with our trained vocal coaches and West End pros. But take the time to visit a few, and let your child decide which one resonates with their heart and soul!

So, there you have it – the magical journey of choirs and group singing and its potential to catapult your child's academic success. From boosting brainpower to fostering confidence and building friendships, the benefits are simply astounding. Encourage your child to embrace the joy of singing, and you'll witness the positive impact on their academic life and beyond. Happy singing, Clapham parents – let the melody lead the way to a brighter future!

Find out more about our singing lessons HERE: